“Have a ______ Holiday”

This time of year, we all have a lot of running around to do. We get busier running errands as the holiday season adds more to everyone’s lists and daily life. When checking out or leaving a store, you have probably heard or said, “Have a nice Holiday.” As I’ve been out and about lately looking closely at people’s faces and listening to the tone of people’s voices, I decided it is time to change my NICE Holiday to a KIND Holiday.

Thankfully, there are still a lot of nice people in our world. Nice is when we smile at a stranger and politely say “Good morning.” Nice is when we motion the driver of another car to go ahead of us. Nice is when we hold the door open for someone behind us. Nice is when we thank the mail carrier, UPS, or Amazon driver for delivering our package. Nice is nice, but KIND on the other hand is more caring and more needed.

Being kind can make an immediate difference and can have a lasting impact. I hope that each person reading this has a treasured memory of someone who showed kindness to them. Here are a couple of my own memories of people showing me kindness: I remember being invited to dinner by a family who themselves had very little to eat. I have never been so thankful for a meal. I remember as a young girl being at a friend’s house for my first sleepover and waking up in tears wanting to be in my own house. My friend’s dad drove me home in the middle of the night. Those two acts of kindness were something they didn’t have to do but chose to do. What they did was selfless and connected me a little deeper to them. Their kindness was and still is personal to me.

In scripture, God does not tell us to be “nice,” but clearly states we are to “be kind to one another.” He tells us this knowing that our kindness will bless the one who receives it and also promises to bless the giver of kindness. It’s just like God to do that.

I finish up my Thoughts this year by asking you to be intentional, make the effort, and do something kind this season. The kindness you show a stranger and the kindness you show someone you know just may make their Holiday and your Holiday one you will always remember.

I wish you all a kind holiday season and a very Merry Christmas.

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